School start and finish Times
The doors open at school at 8.40am lessons begin at 8.45am. School finishes for nursery children at 11:45 and for Reception children at 3:15pm. Breakfast club is available every day from 8am for £1.50 per day. If this is something you are interested in, please contact the office.
Reading Books & Library Books
Reading books are sent home every day and must be returned daily. Please support your child with their reading at home daily. We will listen to children read in school too. We will send library books home weekly. This is a book that you can share with your child to promote their love of reading.
Class Dojo
We use a communication tool with parents called Class Dojo. It is an app that you can download and keep up to date with school news and your child's learning. We post pictures often of what has been happening in class. We will also post homework on here and ideas about how to support your child's learning at home. This programme also allows your child to earn dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour in school.
Lunch for reception children is from 12.00 - 1.15. Lunch is currently free for children in Reception to Year two.
Here are links to the phonics phase appropriate for the class.