Our class teacher is Mrs Lee
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Wood and Miss Umar
We encourage children to make healthy choices, and after consulting with the class, we have decided that a reading book for our class Library would be a great way to celebrate any birthdays in Year 4, rather than sweets or cake. Your child knows how much we all love to read in Year 4, and any books bought for our class library to celebrate a birthday will have a special certificate added to the front so that children know who has brought the book for us to enjoy.
Class Dojo
We use a communication tool with parents called Class Dojo. It is an app that you can download and keep up to date with school news and your child's learning. We post pictures often of what has been happening in class. We will also post homework on here and ideas about how to support your child's learning at home. This programme also allows your child to earn dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour in school.
The help sheets below give details about the different maths skills on the National Curriculum.
The end of Key Stage Two tests (known as SATS) test material from Years 3-6.
Therefore I have included information for all of these year groups
If there any areas of maths that your child struggles with, there are free video lessons that can be watched using the links below.
White Rose Maths Lesson Videos
White Rose Maths One-minute maths app
Please encourage your child to read daily. For advice on helping your child to read at home, click here.
Some children need a little extra support to become fluent readers. They will have a book linked to their reading stage to take home and read with their parent. There is a wide selection of books in class that all children are invited to choose a book from to take home. Children will be responsible for recording in their reading record what they have read.
These children will also read regularly 1:1 to an adult in school. They will have separate books for home and school so there will not be a set day for changing reading books. Please just send the book back once it is finished.
Children can read online books for free here:
You will need a login for Oxford Owl. Please see Mrs Jordan for the details.
Children can practise their reading comprehension using these quick practice sheets.
Reading Practice Sheets Booklet - Basic
Reading Practice Sheets Booklet - Advanced
This website contains a guide to the grammar we teach in school
This link contains games for spelling and grammar practice
Science and Topic Work
For an overview of our topics for the year, click the link to view the long-term plan below. Please note this may change slightly to suit the needs of the children.
Maths and English homework will be sent home each Friday to be returned the following Friday.
Staff will go through the answers with the class. There will be a raffle ticket rewarded for each completed piece of homework. A paper spelling list will also be sent home each Tuesday to be tested on Friday. Some words may be highlighted; these are the ones to focus on first.
Y6 children need to come to school on PE day in their PE kit. They should wear school shoes and their pumps should be in school at all times.
PLEASE NOTE: you will be informed of the class PE days each half term.