Welcome to our Year Five Class Page


Our class teacher is Miss Suleman

Our classroom support are Miss Kausar and Mrs Figura.


Thank you for logging into our Year Five class page.

Here you will find all the information you need about your child's school life and our day to day routine.

May I take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful parents and carers for their continued support for their children's education.

Again, a huge WELCOME from us, and we sincerely look forward to a wonderful time teaching all of your amazing children and watching them grow.

Thank you,

Miss Suleman and Miss Kausar

School start and finish Times:

Doors open at 8.40am, lessons begin at 8.45am and school finishes at 3.15pm.

Break and Lunch Times:

Morning break for Year Five starts at 10.30 a.m. and finishes at 10.45 a.m Lunch break for Year Five starts at 12.15 p.m. and finishes at 13.15 p.m.

Swimming and PE

Swimming in Year Five is on a Friday afternoon. This will begin on Friday 13th September 2024 and run up to Friday 13th December 2024.  Please make sure your child has all equipment needed (towel, costume and a swimming cap) in school on that day. Please ensure earrings are removed and left at home. Hair should be tied back.

PE is currently on Thursday*. Children should come into school in their school PE kit (green shorts and white Polo Shirt). Clothes worn over their kit should be black tracksuit bottoms or jogging pants with their green school jumper. They may come to school in sport trainers (not fashion trainers) or outside shoes. Please send in their black, indoor PE pumps to leave in school. 

*PE may change day after each half term.


Daily: In Year 5, the children should read, practise times tables and learn spellings daily - approximately 20 -  30 minutes each day.

Weekly: Additional homework is given out and explained on a Friday to be returned on a Monday. It may include handwriting practise linked to spellings as well as another subject to complete e.g. Maths, English or Topic Work. 


Currently, reading books are sent home daily.  Parents are asked to complete the reading record and should question their child about what they have read. Children are asked to read daily and read books they have from home. They are also encouraged to listen to audio books .

Times Tables:

It is important that children practice each day to help their progress in Maths. It is strongly recommend that children practice daily by using Times Tables Rock Stars  

All children have been given a username and password.


Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and tested the following Friday.

Additional Information - Class Dojo

We use a communication tool with parents called Class Dojo. It is an app that you can download and keep up to date with school news and your child's learning. We post pictures often of what has been happening in class. We will also post homework on here and ideas about how to support your child's learning at home.  This programme also allows your child to earn dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour in school.


Long Term Plan
