Other support groups and links• Oldham Support Group for Carers in Autism• Oldham SEND Information, Advice and Support Service• Children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (local offer)• Council for Disabled children – Early Support• Mencap• Oldham Council SEN• Oldham Local Offer• Oldham Council local offer downloads
• Oldham’s SEND Written Statement of Action
• POINT • SENDIASS Service - Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)Sendgateway
Documents from Oldham SEND including Local Offier
• SEND A5 leaflet 2018 (pdf)
• Whole School SEND - Ask-Listen-Do leaflet (pdf)• SEND Local Offer NEW Information - March 2019 (powerpoint)
DfE document links• SEN – a guide for parents• Transition to the new 0 to 25 special educational needs and disability system• Mental Health and Behaviour
Who do I contact for further information or if you have any specific queries?
Mrs Nicola Farnell SENCO - Telephone 0161 633 0527Mrs Clare Mitchell Headteacher