School start and finish Times
The doors open at school at 8.40am lessons begin at 8.45am.
School finishes at 3:15pm. Breakfast club is available every day from 8am for £1.50per day.
Homework & Spellings
Homework is sent home on a Friday and is due back on the Monday.
Please ensure your child completes their homework, as it is set to embed the concepts we have learned throughout the week.
Spellings are also sent home on Fridays and are to be kept at home for children to practice.
Children are tested on the spellings on the following Friday. To make learning them more manageable, children could learn 5 spellings a night.
Reading Books
Reading Books are sent home every day. Please make sure they are returned each day. If they are sent home on Friday, they are returned on Monday.
We ask that you read with your child at home frequently and make brief comments in their reading record to indicate that the book has been read.
Physical Education takes place on Thursday and Friday. Our PE kit includes black pumps, green shorts and white polo or t-shirt.
Please label them with your child's name clearly.
Lunch is from 12.00 - 1.15
Additional Class Information- Class Dojo
We use a communication tool with parents called Class Dojo. It is an app that you can download and keep up to date with school news and your child's learning. We post pictures often of what has been happening in class. We will also post homework on here and ideas about how to support your child's learning at home. This programme also allows your child to earn dojo points by demonstrating positive behaviour in school.
Children are awarded stickers for super behaviour, their work and for using good manners.
If they have full marks in their spellings, they are awarded a special certificate.
Unlocking Letters and Sounds is used for teaching phonics.
Unlocking Letters and Sounds is used when teaching the children.
You can also use the links below to further support your child: