At St Patrick’s we have called our curriculum PSRHE as we work to develop the personal and social aspects of our children as well as helping our children to recognise positive relationships and focus on good physical and mental health.
At St Patrick’s we have been using the ‘Jigsaw’ Curriculum for a number of years. This curriculum meets nearly all of the requirements of the Relationship and Health Education Curriculum. The ‘Jigsaw’ Curriculum aims to equip children with the tools they need for the challenges they will meet, building resilience and a sense of self confidence. We teach this curriculum from a catholic starting point and always refer back to the links with the teachings of Christ. We do not deliver the programme
‘off the shelf,’ we deliver it with the context of our children in mind.
In Years 5 and 6 children are taught about how to look after their changing bodies and learn about how their bodies will develop and why as they grow up. This is part of the statutory Science and Relationship Education curriculum and is not optional.
In order to meet all the requirements of the Relationship and Health Education we have worked with: Father Phil Sumner and Mufti Helal from the Interfaith Forum, our Governors, Staff and Parents as well as liaising with the Diocese to devise our own British Values Unit to complement the work we do with Jigsaw. This unit focuses each year on one of the aspects of British Law (equality, democracy etc) but also focuses on one of the Protected Characteristics. Children are taught about tolerance, understanding and how it is unlawful to discriminate against others due to their age, sex and belief, again we make reference to the links to our faith.
We follow the EYFS framework and National Curriculum which set out what children should know by the end of each key stage.
Early Years Foundation Stage Framework