Prayer and Worship at St Patrick's


At St Patrick's, our faith life is very important.  In order to support children when developing their relationship with God, they are given opportunities to experience prayer in different ways and have positive liturgical experiences, appropriate to their age, aptitude and family backgrounds in order to prepare them for the liturgical life of the Church. 

Some of the resources we use are:

Wednesday Word


Mark Ten Mission

Sacred Space

During the school day, children take part in acts of worship and prayer.  Some of the prayers are included in the School Prayer Book.


Our Prayer Garden

This year, we have been developing our outdoor space and the children decided that a prayer garden was just what we need.  Children's ideas, from the name of the space to the signs and symbols we use, have been collected and used to create our prayer garden.

Prayer Garden

Here are some of the children's designs:

Garden design 1 Garden Design 2 Garden Design EYFS