At St Patrick's, We Serve


At St Patrick's, we encourage all our children to serve.

Our Faith Group Our Eco Council /Laudato Si  Our School Council

Our Faith group leads us in prayer. They encourage us to pray in different ways and help create opportunities to engage us in different types of prayer.  

They take a lead with our Caritas in Action work suggesting ways our whole community can join in.

Caritas: Love in Action

Our theme for this half term is: Family and Community. 

The Faith Group have encouraged us to…

·         Enjoy spending time with members of our family

·         Reach out to members of our community

·         Pray for the members of our global family who are victims of conflict  

The Eco Club looks after our school environment and look for ways to reduce our negative impact on the earth. 

Caritas: Love in ActionWhat is Laudato Si?

In Laudato Si' an encyclical letter from Pope Francis in 2015 On Care For Our Common Home, Pope Francis recognises that “everything is connected” and encourages us to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.  

The Eco Representatives meet every Wednesday lunchtime and do lots of things to take care of our school. They share ideas, set environmental targets, run workshops using recycled crafts, run environmental campaigns across the school and hold assemblies to update our pupils. Each class in the school has their own Eco Representatives 

Our school council leads our fundraising. We hear 'the cry of the poor...' and answer where we can.

Our Sports Council and Well-Being Group   Our Librarians and Reading Buddies
Our Sports Council looks at ways to improve physical activity for our children and they help us to be healthy in both mind and body .

Our librarians and reading buddies promote a love of reading throughout the school.

Our Sports Leaders (Year 5)  
Our Sports Leaders (Year 6)

 Our Sports leaders come from Year 5 and 6.  

They promote health and physical activity and give their lunchtimes to support children in their play.